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Forest Class

The Forest curriculum consists of adapted National Curriculum subjects, along with some life skills and creative aspects.  Students working within this curriculum, tend to be able to access more formal learning with subject specific knowledge and skills. Students access the range of topics and personalised formal curriculum opportunities as well as National Curriculum subjects for their Key Stage, modified in the light of their developmental level and EHCP requirements.  Life skills and independence skills will also form a large part of the curriculum. There is generally a higher level of formal teaching/structure; teachers ensure that learning is linked to topics, practical activities and consolidated and applied in practical sessions. The day starts with a tutor period where there is the opportunity to work on SEMH strategies and social skills.  The afternoon consists of sport, Outdoor Education, Play and Enrichment opportunities where the focus is on social skills, teamwork, self-esteem and resilience.

Each term a new topic is introduced linking to national curriculum subjects.