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At DDC, we follow the DfE approved, Twinkl phonics programme. The pupils are taught in appropriately levelled groups for 30 minutes each day. We do understand that some of our pupils need a more active approach to help apply their knowledge, therefore, resources such as music, movement and play based learning is also incorporated.

Our phonics lessons consist of learning target phonemes through repeating the sound, becoming familiar with the phonemes and corresponding letters and learning to blend phonemes together to support early reading. We also look at tricky words that are non-decodable, we do this through our classroom curriculum.

Each child is assessed using the Twinkl assessment format, which helps inform the appropriate level needed to support our pupils to succeed in their spelling and reading journey.

For those who are confident in their phonetical understanding, a weekly spelling lesson followed by regular opportunities to share their ability is provided, in line with the appropriate National Curriculum expectations.