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Admission Arrangements

The statutory route where students are placed.  SEND route where some students with EHCP’s who have experienced time at the PRU are placed, and Partnership where students who are finding mainstream difficult spend some time in the PRU as part of an intervention/re-engage programme.


Permanent Exclusion – Students who have been permanently excluded from their mainstream school, fall under the remit of the PRU from Day 6 of the exclusion.  Educating these young people until they are ready for the next stage of their education is part of the Local Authority statutory responsibility.

Medical – students maybe referred (to the local authority) for medical reasons.  Students remain on the roll of their school as well as spending time at TDPC.  Medical referrals are under the guidance of a medical professional who feels that for a period of time the young person cannot manage to be in their mainstream setting. 


Some students with EHCP’s are placed at TDPC under the consultation process.  This is where it is felt that the PRU can meet needs and is usually where the young person has spent time at the PRU due to suspension/exclusion or partnership work.



Inclusion is a big part of the work of the PRU where capacity allows.  TDPC have some students that come to us as part of their school programme, our work with them is designed to support them and the schools enabling them to more successfully engage with their mainstream offer.

Part of the partnership work we do is with school, so advice and guidance or training.  We also have an outreach offer where our staff work with young people in their mainstream setting 1:1 or in small groups.

The work in centres for students is individually planned and bespoke depending on the need of that young person.  It maybe with a member of staff from their mainstream for a session per week, it maybe for 1 or more sessions a week in a centre.  The focus of our current partnership work re-engage through practical sessions.


The main legislation and statutory guidance covering the duties and powers relating to these issues: