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Teacher Area

Careers Provision

TDPC follows the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks, set out by the Government, for schools to work towards  in order to provide good and consistent career provision for our students.

The Gatsby benchmarks ensure that every young person at TDPC will receive exposure to local employers in order to gain a greater understanding of the world of work.

The benchmarks also offer individualised information, advice and guidance around a range of post 16 education offers, from sixth form to technical college to university and apprenticeships, enabling young people to make informed choices about their future.

The 8 Gatsby Benchmarks can be viewed here:

This Action plan will be reviewed at the end of each academic year.

Work Experience

We have access to a Work Experience database which has a huge number of Employers willing to offer work experience to students in our area. Please contact the careers team for the login code.

We also have a work experience booklet for students to complete while doing work experience.